PFEM Christocentric University is a leading icon in honoring achievements regardless... Many people have impacted our communities positively but nothing much has been done to honor them till they are dead and you see big and expensive flowers and condolences. Under this university, the school of honor,we believe ,that men and women in all areas of life who have impacted societies positively. We are to reach to all these people across the globe and honor them through our different mechanisms.
PFEM Christocentric University has different Schools through which it honors positive community changers and achievements.
1. School of Biblical Theology of Honor of Christian Leadership of Ministry of Education- Adult
6.School of Computer and IT of Practical/ Pastoral Theology
8. school of Biblical Counseling
9. school of Open / Street Evangelism
All these can be got by training, mentorship, coaching,aprentiship, lecturing, conferencing, question and answer method among others.
After which the awards are given to the trainees respectively.